Monday, October 6, 2008

Silly Sleeper

Usually I don't wake Layla up. Every day I let her sleep until she wakes herself up (and that is usually when I wake up as well.) This morning Jeremy had to leave again, so I had to drop him off early. So on this rare occasion I had to wake Layla up myself. I walked into the nursery and I was very surprised to see her sleeping in such an odd position.....


PJ and Me said...

LOL, that is so cute. Kinda like when you woke up with a binkie stuck to your nose. haha.

Anonymous said...

that is exactly how i used to sleep!!!! that's how i got the nickname scooter. i woud always scoot up in the corner like that.

Jenna said...

We call her scooted butt when she does stuff like this. Though, we still mainly call her our little nugget.