Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tired baby

Layla was trying so hard to fall asleep one night, but Jeremy and I weren't going to bed for another hour or so, so we were trying to keep her awake until we went to bed. We tried everything, but she was so tired she fell asleep anyways. She's a little sleepy girl and takes naps every day, which is nice because I either nap with her or I'm able to get some work done around the house. She's got a good routine down at night, and it's getting better. She usually needs a midnight feeding and goes down (that's when I go to sleep) then she wakes up about three hours later for a quick meal and falls right back asleep. Then she usually wakes up around six and eats and stays awake for a good couple of hours. Her first nap is usually around 9, then she takes one or two more throughout the day. Once she's fast asleep, she will sleep through anything. The dog will bark right next to her or I'll run the vacuum right by, and she doesn't even flinch! She's just like her daddy.

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