Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Zver bear!!!!

I called the Pet Smart Hotel in Omaha again today to check on how Zver is doing. The trainer said he is doing amazing. Eating all his meals, not having any problems going to the bathroom, and making so many friends. She said him and a Golden Retriever/Newfoundland mix named Goldie have become best friends and even when they're locked in the kennels try and play together. She also rambled off a bunch of other names of dogs that like to play with Zver and Goldie. It sounds like he's having a lot of fun and I'm sure he'll be bored at home with me and Layla when we get back. I'm so proud that he's mingling with other dogs. The only other exposure with dogs he's had in the past is wrestling and being very aggressive. I'm glad that he's learning social skills and having fun playing with them. I'm so proud of Zver Bear!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss zver tooo ) =