Thursday, June 26, 2008

Peete's Coffee & Tea

My mom and dad like to go every morning before dad goes to work to sit and drink tea and coffee and just visit on the outside tables. It's just nice to sit and relax and visit. Matt, Layla, and I joined them this morning and just sat in the warm weather. It would have been nicer if California weren't on fire. I can't believe this haze that just covers the sky! My mom and I took Layla for a walk and we really had to be careful and cover the stroller so that Layla had as little exposure to the smoke as possible.
I tried the iced white chocolate mocha, and it was just not as good as Starbucks! Tomorrow I think we're going to go again and I'm going to try the drink that Matty had. It was some kind of tea and it tasted a little fruity. I liked it, and Layla liked to stare at it. She likes to stare at the color red, so she was just in a trance staring at Matty's tea! Anyways, I had fun taking part in my mom and dad's ritual of sitting at their usual table outside at Peete's Coffee & Tea

1 comment:

PJ and Me said...

We had a great time, now when we go without you it won't be the same.